About SharSum's "Kniche"

When I was a kid, my family would spend time at our cabin in the country.  We shared a duplex  with my mom and dad's friends and their family.  Mrs. Mabel Long, the mother of my mom's friend, taught me to crochet during those lazy, summer days.  I loved crocheting and making handmade items through the years, but once I had my own family, my crocheting went on the back burner.

I now have more time and decided to try crocheting again.  Funny, crocheting is like riding a bike.......you never forget.  I have now learned to knit as well and have a beautiful granddaughter to spoil with my knit and crochet creations. My family and friends have all been recipients of my obsession, too.  These photos are a few of the items I have made for them.

I enjoy this hobby so much, I have decided to create some items to sell through my "kniche"; my little knit and crochet corner of the Internet.. Just contact me.

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My Projects for Family & Friends

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